Lying to our Kids - My parents accused me of lying today. Then I said,
When it is okay to lie to our kids? The answer to this question is often rooted in the definition of what a lie is. You may see little white lies as innocent. Things like Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa are said to be imaginary fun. I might be able to buy that if the child used their own imagination to dream up these characters, but that’s not how it gets started is it? And then as parents we have to get creative to keep the fair tale going and keep the kids engaged in the “fun”.

I wrote a guest post titled 50 Shades of Lying on The Graceful Mom blog a few weeks ago. I shared some tips to help us model honesty so that we don’t get tagged as a hypocrite with or kids. This post was written as part of an ongoing guest blogging effort between a few Babywise-Friendly Network blogs. I wanted to challenge parents to think about the example they are setting for their kids. What happens when you catch your child in a lie and then they pull the hypocrite card? Is  it do as a I say and not as I do in your family? Do you try to justify your lying while punishing their lies, or do you come clean and ask your kids to forgive you for lying to them?

How good of an example do you set in the areas of honesty and truthfulness?

About Hank Osborne

I encourage dads to rise above mediocrity in marriage and parenting. I write and speak on technology, biblical parenting principles, education, and parenting medically special needs kids. My wife Sherry and I co-host the Home School Support Network.