Happy 10th Birthday Riley

Happy Birthday Riley

Riley makes my job as a dad fulfilling, exciting, entertaining, and sometimes challenging (in a good way). He is an awesome boy who loves God, his family, and his friends. In his first ten years he has become an avid reader, a student of the Bible, music and Latin, and a NASCAR super-fan.

Riley makes my job fulfilling by standing strong in his faith in God and by being an engaged and committed member of our family. He creates excitement and entertainment with his creativity and sense of humor. Birthday Door BalloonsRiley creates challenges for me as a dad by calling me out (with respect) on my sins, testing his boundaries, and asks the hard questions that boys his age are expected to ask.

My dear wife Sherry gave me an idea on how to add a little fun into Riley’s birthday morning. The picture here says it all. I have tapped a piece of plastic to the door jam of his room and filled the space between the plastic and the door with about 40 balloons. When he opens the door he will have balloons falling all around him.

Riley will spend a good portion of his day at the homeschool coop that our three oldest boys participate in. He will have a little party on Saturday to celebrate the day with some family and friends. His big birthday present this year was to go to a live NASCAR race. All of my boys are NASCAR fans and I have decided that I will try to take each boy to his first NASCAR race at age 10.

With a little help from Grandpa we also outfitted Riley with a new loft bed. He helped me assemble the bed and it was a great time of bonding with him as we spent a couple of hours working together.

Loft Bed Assembly


About Hank Osborne

I encourage dads to rise above mediocrity in marriage and parenting. I write and speak on technology, biblical parenting principles, education, and parenting medically special needs kids. My wife Sherry and I co-host the Home School Support Network.