Fathers Must Guard Their Tongue and Tone

The Fathers Mandate Part 6 of 8

From Growing Kids God’s Way
Scroll down to the reference for Chapter 4

Mandate number 6.  A father must guard his tongue and his tone and learn to measure his response against the excitement on their faces.

This mandate is particularly important for dads because as the leader of the family dads can set the mood of the home.

My failing and work in this area. May be tied to temperament.

Hank and Sherry do a live teaching on Temperaments based on Florence Litaurer’s book – Personality Plus

Play Gary Ezzo audio from GKGW

Kids might be trying to be helpful

They might be following instructions given by mom

Try to understand the context of the situation before responding
Tech Time

It Mac iOS more secure than Windows and Linux?



W3Schools OS Stats http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp

US-CERT Vulnerabilities per OS (Total/2011)
Linux (309/15) vs Windows (845/23) vs Apple iOS (309/7)

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About Hank Osborne

I encourage dads to rise above mediocrity in marriage and parenting. I write and speak on technology, biblical parenting principles, education, and parenting medically special needs kids. My wife Sherry and I co-host the Home School Support Network.