About Daddy Life

This site and its podcast are for parents. Yes, it’s for you not me.  As Dads and Moms you will find useful information and tips to help you in your parenting journey. The Daddy Life blog and podcast have two primary purposes:

  • Daddy Life will encourage, equip, and challenge men to be the leaders of their families, lovers of their wives, and examples to their children.
  • Daddy Life will provide parents with detailed advice on Internet and technology safety.

There is no greater calling for a man than that of being a husband and then a father.  Dad has a responsibility to love, protect, and provide for the family.  Daddy Life will help dads fulfill those responsibilities and more. The choices a dad makes directly affects the future of the family, the community, the nation, and the world.

One very important and challenging task we face as parents is that of keeping our children safe while allowing them to use the wonderful technology that is available to us all. Some of the biggest safety concerns are related to Internet connected devices including laptop and desktop computers, smart phones, cell phones, tablet PCs, MP3 players, game consoles, electronic book readers, and more . Daddy Life will keep you up to date on the threats that your family faces and provide you with specific solutions to help you protect your family with confidence. The most important thing you need to remember is:

Technology Safety is more about Behavior than the Technology!

Start today with the Internet Safety Basics for Parents

The Daddy Life parenting web site will be delivering content to you through video, audio, and written format. We will also be offering online services to book Hank for live events on the subject of “Parenting and Technology”. In the meantime you can read about Hank and his family on the bio page and there are several ways to contact us.

Thanks for visiting DaddyLife.net!!!


Disclaimer: All comments, articles, videos, and audio podcast episodes created by me represent my personal opinion(s). None of the content on DaddyLife.net represents the official opinion(s) or position(s) of my current employer or past employers. Signed: Hank Osborne