Podcast Episode 7 – Mommy is a Wife, OpenDNS, Passwords

Mommy is also a Wife

– stay home moms especially need to be reminded and protected by dad (husband) in this area
– Dates
– Send mom out
– Do something special

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman (affiliate link)

Security Tools

New security tools page with a link for OpenDNS.

Review 10 Simple Security tips for Mac – Creating separate logins on your computers for your kids. Also included are some tips on passwords and pass phrases that are easy to remember but difficult to guess.

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DaddyLife.net Podcast

I hope my kids can’t remember

…the first time I ever prayed with them.  I know that sounds weird, but stick with me on this one.  I was listening to a pastor on the radio a while back.  The pastor talked about how dads really should be setting the example for their kids.  Many parents tell their kids, “Give me a kiss and then go on up to bed…oh, and don’t forget to say your prayers.”  If the statistics being thrown around are close to being correct, then this sort of dialog is much more likely to be the norm in most Christian homes.

Some of you parents may have heard something like this before, but I am going to say it again.  Way more is caught than taught.  You can not sit in your recliner and give the old “do as I say and not as I do” speech and expect it to work.  That dog won’t hunt, especially with the older kids.  Get up and join your children in their bedtime prayers.  Teach them how to talk to God by your example.  Do you remember the last time you prayed with your children other than when giving thanks for food?

I hope that my kids are not able to remember the first time I prayed with them.  I want prayer to be so much of a routine part of our lives that they can not remember when it started because it was farther back than their memory can stretch.  I challenge all dads to get a similar mindset towards prayer and daily devotional with their kids.

Honey-Do – Involve Your Kids

Projects around the house and trips to the local home improvement store provide great opportunities to spend time with your kids while getting working done on that all important Honey-Do list. Bringing small kids into projects can slow things down a little bit, but the time spent together is well worth the additional time taken to complete a project.

As an example my raised garden was overrun by roots from a nearby sweet gum tree last year.  The only way to rid myself of the roots before this year’s gardening season was to remove all the dirt (and roots) and then put a plastic liner in the raised bed before replacing the dirty. My three oldest boys were more than willing to help remove the roots from this 64 cubic foot pile of dirt.  They spent most of the day with daddy while getting to make as big of a mess as their little hearts desired.

JJ and Caden shoveling dirt

JJ and Caden Shoveling Dirt

This post is participating in Fatherhood Friday on Dad Exchange.