Archives for August 2011

Podcast Episode 8 – Identity Protection and Why Cub Scouts

Daddy Life Podcast Show Notes

FREE PodCasting 101 Webinar with Cliff Ravenscraft from – Saturday, September 3, 2011 beginning at Noon Eastern. It appears to be scheduled for approximately 90 minutes. REGISTER NOW

  • An overview of how podcasting works
  • Podcast equipment options
  • Podcast website & media hosting recommendations
  • How to properly set up a podcast rss feed
  • How to submit a podcast to podcast directories
  • A proven step by step podcast production workflow
  • An offer to purchase the video High Definition video recording of this session for $49 FREE. Cliff decided to give away the HD recording.
Caden’s Page – Scoliosis surgery was postponed due to illness. Caden was admitted for pneumonia. Visit Caden’s Page and sign up for updates. 

Identity ProtectionNorfolk Naval Base McDonald’s Cashier Admits to Stealing Credit Card Data

Cub Scouts – What are Cub Scouts and Why we participate. Link will be posted in a few days

Please leave feedback in the comments below or contact us via:
Daddy Life on Twitter
Voice Mail: (864) 372-9833 Podcast Daddy Life Podcast RSS Feed

5 iPhone, iPad, and iPod Security Settings for Parents

There are some basic settings that parents should configure on their iPhones, iPads, and iPods.  If you are the parent of older kids who have their own iPod, iPad, or iPhone then you should add these practices to the list of things you want to share and train them in while using their own devices. Please remember that kids are more likely to say what you say, do what you do, and they are less likely to do what you say. So set a good example and use these tips on your own devices.

1 – Lock the Screen

Go To:  Settings/General/Auto-Lock

I recommend you adjust this setting to “1 Minute” so that the device screen locks after one minute of inactivity. This prevents little kids from inadvertently accessing, deleting, or altering content on your device.

2 – Set a Password or Passcode

Go To: Settings/General/Passcode Lock

Select “Turn Passcode On”. Set “Require Passcode” to immediately so that the device cannot be used without the passcode once the device screen locks. This passcode will also be required to change the passcode settings in the future even if you allow your child to use the device unattended to play Angry Birds. The reason why on this one is obvious. Auto-locking the screen is useless if you are not going to require a password to unlock it. That would be like locking a door and leaving the key in the lock.

3 – Turn Off Unused Services

Got To: Settings/General/ [Bluetooth, Network, and/or Location Services]

If you are not using Network, Bluetooth or Location Services then go ahead and set them to “Off”. This prevents accidental access to unsafe networks and lowers your rick of getting hacked by someone who knows how to break into these services.

4 – Use Restrictions

Go To: Settings/General/Restrictions

There are a number of things that can be restricted, but I want to focus on content in this one. By default everything is allowed. This includes Allowed Content such as Explicit Music and Podcasts, Movies rated up to NC-17 (including R), and TV-MA. My wife and I don’t even view movies above a PG-13 rating so we certainly don’t want our kids accessing mature content via their iPod.

5 – Restrict In-App Purchases

This is related to the previous item, but warrants its own bullet in our house. This is the area where you restrict your kids from inadvertently buying something via those pop-up ads that kids like my little Caden enjoy clicking while playing Angry Birds.

Remember: Technology Safety is more about Behavior than the Technology!

Podcast Episode 7 – Mommy is a Wife, OpenDNS, Passwords

Mommy is also a Wife

– stay home moms especially need to be reminded and protected by dad (husband) in this area
– Dates
– Send mom out
– Do something special

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman (affiliate link)

Security Tools

New security tools page with a link for OpenDNS.

Review 10 Simple Security tips for Mac – Creating separate logins on your computers for your kids. Also included are some tips on passwords and pass phrases that are easy to remember but difficult to guess.

Daddy Life on Twitter

Voice Mail: (864) 372-9833 Podcast

Podcast Episode 6 – LibSyn, GrowingKids, Facebook Privacy

This episode covers the following topics:

Changes to Podcast hosting – The Podcast audio files are now hosted on Liberated Syndication ( This move will make your podcast experience much better with faster downloads.

PodTrapper -Podcast catcher APP for Droid –  A community of parents pursuing like-minded values. This site is targeted at alumni of the Growing Kids God’s Way curriculum.

Facebook – Security and Privacy Settings

Facebook Help Center Information for Parents and Educators

Larry’s Guest Post – Tips for Parents of Gaming Children.

Feedback: Leave comments below on this post or Email me – hank {@} daddylife {dot} net

Daddy Life on Twitter

Voice Mail: (864) 372-9833 Podcast


We Don’t Always Get What We Ask For

Parents of special needs children will tell you that they did not expect or specifically ask for the challenges that they face.  There are those rare gems who seek out special needs children to foster or adopt and I believe those parents will have a mansion or a castle in heaven as a reward. As a parent of a child who has severe medical issues I can tell you that the life we lead is very different that what we expected when my wife became pregnant with our second child in 2004. The difference has turned out to be such a blessing to us and so many others who have come into contact with our almost seven year old son Caden.

We visited a new church (Deer Park Baptist) this weekend. The message delivered by Dr. Stephen Carr was great. We learned how horrible of neighbors we are when the pastor looked at our visitors card and then proceeded to tell me that he lived two houses away from us on the same side of the street. [blushing] It turns out we had both been witnessing to the same family for some time now. I am sure we will spend some time getting to know each other moving forward.

Like with most sermons different people often learn different things from the same message regardless of what the pastor is teaching on. In this case I believe God spoke to me in a way the pastor may never have intended when planning this message. The message was framed by the interaction between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4. I am pretty sure the pastor’s primary intent was to encourage believers to use average conversations to share the gospel so other people would get saved as a result. Just as Jesus did with the woman at the well by sharing the promise of eternal life. She in turn shared with others who also believed. I got a bonus message from a nugget he threw in there when describing the dynamics of the interaction between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Here is how the passage goes in John 4:

7 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”8 (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

9 The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.t)

10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water?12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”

13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” (NIV)

As the pastor pointed out, the Samaritan woman did not know what she was asking for. She was obviously asking for drinking water even though Jesus had just explained that he was offering something very different. What she got from Jesus turned out to be best for her and it saved her and many in her community. What the woman intended to gain with her request appears to have been a purely selfish. That way she “won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water”.

This is like when parents pray for a healthy child (some for purely selfish reasons). they want the perfect child in every way. They want a healthy, smart, and beautiful child. And then they end up with what the world describes as a “sick” child. Our son Caden if often referred to as sick by the doctors due to the vast number of complicated medical issues Caden has and still does face. Caden has had way more major surgeries than birthdays, surgeries on his heart, neck, stomach, and spine. Caden is exclusively tube fed and has never taken single bite of food by mouth and he has never been able to drink from a cup to satisfy his thirst even though he so desires to do so to this day. Not exactly what can be described as healthy.

Just like the woman asked Jesus for water even though he had described something different, we asked God in our prayers early in the pregnancy for a healthy child and he knew exactly what was giving to us. Just like Jesus did give the Samaritan woman water based on his definition, Jesus gave us a healthy child based on his definition, not ours. The woman did have to go back to the well for water to sustain her physical body. We have had to go back to the hospital to sustain Caden’s health.

What we received from God was an encounter with Him that sparked a change in the community around us like we could have never imagined. Like with many special needs children, you only need to spend a few minutes one-on-one with Caden to fall in love with him. God is using him to create a new definition for the word healthy.

As parents of a special needs child we have received way more than we could have asked for or imagined. We have a child that God has used to bring our family closer together, bring us closer to our friends, and closer to God himself. I don’t know exactly how many or if any have been saved as a result, but I know there will be some. Glory to God!